2 - 6 September 2024, Belgrade, Serbia


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    E-mail: mphys11@ipb.ac.rs

Lectures and reports

The Book of Abstracts will be available for download here, as well as the abstracts and slides of the lecturers.

Ignatios Antoniadis Landscape, swampland and extra dimensions (abstract, slides)
Irina Aref'eva Running coupling in holographic QCD (online talk, abstract, slides)
Gabriele Barca Deformed Heisenberg algebras in quantum cosmology (abstract, slides)
Salvatore Capozziello Gravitational waves in nonmetric gravity (abstract, slides)
Vladimir Dobrev Canonical construction of invariant differential operators (online talk, abstract, slides)
Branko Dragovich The dark side of the universe in a nonlocal de Sitter gravity (abstract, slides)
Dušan Đorđević Frobenius structures and restricted (2+1)-TQFTs (abstract, slides)
Emilio Elizalde Cosmology and mathematical singularities: A historical perspective (abstract, slides)
James Fullwood Extending the density operator formalism into the time domain (abstract)
Alexey Golovnev Modified gravity and strong coupling issues (abstract, slides)
Jaume Haro Gravitational reheating formulas in oscillating backgrounds (abstract, slides)
Falk Hassler The geometry of extended objects (abstract)
Yaghoub Heydarzade Geometric perfect fluids and FLRW-cosmology in generic gravity theories (online talk, abstract)
Tristan Hübsch Constructing Ricci-flat mirror hypersurfaces within spaces of general type (online talk, abstract, slides)
Ilija Ivanišević Courant algebroids in bosonic string theory (abstract, slides)
Nemanja Kaloper Falsifying anthropics (abstract)
Takeo Kojima Integrable structure of deformed W-algebra $W_{q,t}({\mathfrak g})$, quadratic relations and integrals of motion (online talk, abstract)
Alexey Koshelev Black holes in non-perturbative gravity (abstract, slides)
Aleksandar Miković Finiteness of piecewise flat quantum gravity with matter (abstract, slides)
Djordje Minic From quantum foundations to quantum gravity as gravitized quantum theory (abstract, slides)
Bojan Nikolić Double space T-dualization of type II superstring with coordinate dependent RR field (abstract, slides)
Sergei Odintsov Gravitational waves in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity (abstract, slides)
Konstantin Osetrin Exact models of gravitational waves based on Shapovalov wave spacetimes (abstract, slides)
Todor Popov Dynamical supersymmetry of the Landau levels (abstract, slides)
Dragan Prekrat Phase structure of U(1) gauge model on the truncated Heisenberg space (abstract)
Igor Salom Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for Gaudin model in SO(3) case (abstract, slides)
Emmanuel Saridakis Alleviating H0 and S8 cosmological tensions through modified gravity (online talk, abstract)
George Savvidy Extension of Chern-Simons forms (abstract, slides)
Dejan Stojkovic Beyond quantum mechanics (online talk, abstract, slides)
Anna Tokareva UV-IR connections in scattering amplitudes: power of unitarity and causality (abstract, slides)
Marko Vojinovic New type of closed timelike curves from quantum gravity (abstract, slides)
Igor Volovich Quantum dynamics as classical dynamics and quantum/symplectic computers (online talk, abstract, slides)
Rade Živaljević Quasitoric manifolds associated with Bier spheres and generalized permutahedra (online talk, abstract, slides)
George Zoupanos A realistic and testable supersymmetric model from the dimensional reduction of an N = 1, 10D, E8 theory over a modified flag manifold (online talk, abstract, slides)


Institute of Physics Belgrade (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia


Faculty of Mathematics (University of Belgrade)
Belgrade, Serbia
Mathematical Institute (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian Academy of Nonlinear Sciences (SANS)
Belgrade, Serbia

ZOOM link for attending lectures online:


Meeting ID: 813 9573 7972
Passcode: 824870