Ignatios Antoniadis |
Landscape, swampland and extra dimensions (abstract, slides) |
Irina Aref'eva |
Running coupling in holographic QCD (online talk, abstract, slides) |
Gabriele Barca |
Deformed Heisenberg algebras in quantum cosmology (abstract, slides) |
Salvatore Capozziello |
Gravitational waves in nonmetric gravity (abstract, slides) |
Vladimir Dobrev |
Canonical construction of invariant differential operators (online talk, abstract, slides) |
Branko Dragovich |
The dark side of the universe in a nonlocal de Sitter gravity (abstract, slides) |
Dušan Đorđević |
Frobenius structures and restricted (2+1)-TQFTs (abstract, slides) |
Emilio Elizalde |
Cosmology and mathematical singularities: A historical perspective (abstract, slides) |
James Fullwood |
Extending the density operator formalism into the time domain (abstract) |
Alexey Golovnev |
Modified gravity and strong coupling issues (abstract, slides) |
Jaume Haro |
Gravitational reheating formulas in oscillating backgrounds (abstract, slides) |
Falk Hassler |
The geometry of extended objects (abstract) |
Yaghoub Heydarzade |
Geometric perfect fluids and FLRW-cosmology in generic gravity theories (online talk, abstract) |
Tristan Hübsch |
Constructing Ricci-flat mirror hypersurfaces within spaces of general type (online talk, abstract, slides) |
Ilija Ivanišević |
Courant algebroids in bosonic string theory (abstract, slides) |
Nemanja Kaloper |
Falsifying anthropics (abstract) |
Takeo Kojima |
Integrable structure of deformed W-algebra $W_{q,t}({\mathfrak g})$, quadratic relations and integrals of motion (online talk, abstract) |
Alexey Koshelev |
Black holes in non-perturbative gravity (abstract, slides) |
Aleksandar Miković |
Finiteness of piecewise flat quantum gravity with matter (abstract, slides) |
Djordje Minic |
From quantum foundations to quantum gravity as gravitized quantum theory (abstract, slides) |
Bojan Nikolić |
Double space T-dualization of type II superstring with coordinate dependent RR field (abstract, slides) |
Sergei Odintsov |
Gravitational waves in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity (abstract, slides) |
Konstantin Osetrin |
Exact models of gravitational waves based on Shapovalov wave spacetimes (abstract, slides) |
Todor Popov |
Dynamical supersymmetry of the Landau levels (abstract, slides) |
Dragan Prekrat |
Phase structure of U(1) gauge model on the truncated Heisenberg space (abstract) |
Igor Salom |
Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for Gaudin model in SO(3) case (abstract, slides) |
Emmanuel Saridakis |
Alleviating H0 and S8 cosmological tensions through modified gravity (online talk, abstract) |
George Savvidy |
Extension of Chern-Simons forms (abstract, slides) |
Dejan Stojkovic |
Beyond quantum mechanics (online talk, abstract, slides) |
Anna Tokareva |
UV-IR connections in scattering amplitudes: power of unitarity and causality (abstract, slides) |
Marko Vojinovic |
New type of closed timelike curves from quantum gravity (abstract, slides) |
Igor Volovich |
Quantum dynamics as classical dynamics and quantum/symplectic computers (online talk, abstract, slides) |
Rade Živaljević |
Quasitoric manifolds associated with Bier spheres and generalized permutahedra (online talk, abstract, slides) |
George Zoupanos |
A realistic and testable supersymmetric model from the dimensional reduction of an N = 1, 10D, E8 theory over a modified flag manifold (online talk, abstract, slides) |